Original Characters (FFXIV)

Kit Yozowwa (Miqo Kit)

Main Class
White Mage
Favorite Things
  • Men and Women Who Are Powerful
  • Healing
  • Learning His Friends' Hobbies
  • Peace
Least Favorite Things
  • Non-Consensual Rivalries
  • Being in Charge
  • Chaos

"Extra-ostensibly" the Warrior of Light. He didn't particularly want to take on this role, but has taken it on in stride upon learning of his origins. He is still far more anxious than anybody with his level of achievement has any business being.

While he was originally going to study chiurgery in Gridania, standing out as a Keeper of the Moon and the distracting influence of the Scions caused him to casually drop out from his studies without any notice. Ah well. He was never a particularly good writer, anyway, and the course would've required a lot of research.

He'd love to become an Archon now, what with his unique knowledge of the Ancients, but he'll need the help of his "loverboy" (Y'shtola's words) G'raha Tia if he wants to have any hope of ever completing a thesis.

Becoming a white mage instilled in him a powerful, paradoxically peaceful bloodthirst, which he takes out on the world with either the blood lily, taking on the role of a Dark Knight, or taking on the role of Reaper or Black Mage.

The Yozowwa clan, incidentally, is a little-known, small clan of Keepers. An obscure Gridanian Miqo'te legend attributes the founding of the clan to a gay couple consisting of one energetic, rambunctious Seeker of the Sun and a notoriously sassy and protective Keeper of the Moon who once saved the world; specifically the name of the son they adopted ("more of Nophica's bullshit," a member of the FC he joined muttered with regards to the nature of the name). Regardless of the dubious veracity of this history, which resembles a novel for teenagers in its details, the clan name is taken both by those with a blood connection and those who are in search of a queer family.

Pyon Danger

Main Class
Favorite Things
  • うさぴょんぴょん
  • Danger
  • Chaos
  • Defeating Chaos in Armed Combat
  • Finding (and defeating) Rivals
Least Favorite Things
  • ねこにゃんにゃん
  • Peace
  • Anybody In His Way
  • Losing to Anybody in His Way
  • Being Ignored By His Rivals

A haughty bastard. He will gleefully play a harp to accompany your downfall and believes the answer to every conflict is armed combat. He believes himself to be the Warrior of Light's greatest rival. Kit does not consent.

Pyon Danger is banned from entry to the Waking Sands. Due to their efforts to impede his pursuance of his rival, in addition to Kit Yozowwa, he will also chase Tataru, Alisaie, Thancred, and G'raha Tia on sight.

He learns more about his greatest rival by using bard magic along with the legends about the Warrior of Light floating around. He may have an exaggerated idea of Kit's confidence.

Pyon once tried and failed to attract Zenos's attention. What a shame for Pyon, Zenos, and Kit.

Miqo Kit (the Lalafell)

Another Azem shard. As is common for those related to Azem, this one has ended up in a bit of a pickle; a sort of alternative universe of the Source in which he retains all of Kit Yozowwa's memories. He eventually secretly discusses theories with Urianger, Y'shtola, and G'raha Tia, but none of them have an answer for him as of yet. He has a feeling the answer awaits him at the end of the world. Stay tuned and good luck, tiny Kit! I'm sure Azem themself had little to do with this...

He shares Kit's general stats, with the addition of being extremely adorable (and somewhat aware of this fact) and maining Black Mage.